Wednesday 26 March 2014

The doughnut scan

This week he had his first CT scan. I'm not sure if this is good, that he reached 9 years old before needing one, or that it's a bad sign that he needs this kind of investigation so soon. It was certainly less intrusive than the Broncoscopy (camera down into the lungs). He seems so grown up, our little pre-teen, but on the other hand so young. I guess all parents say that. Anyway, he was so good for his cannula, his first with just cold spray instead of magic cream (which always makes him red and itchy anyway). And he loved the scan itself. The only problem being that we were alone in the room, whilst the doctor folk were all in the other room behind a window, only speaking to us through the speaker. The only thing he needed to do was to lie still while the contrast dye pumped in and they scanned, but we just kept giggling. Proper shoulder jolting giggling. To be fair, he was better than me. Can you imagine being on a table and zipping in and out of a giant whirring doughnut and not laughing? Or maybe that's just us. We like to laugh.

We just have to wait for the results now. If they call and say they want us to come in, we'll know it's not great news.